October 21, 2024

Friend, brothers, and sisters! Are you ready!!!

Friend, brothers, and sisters! Are you ready!!!

We are putting together a schedule for this summer and we have a number of very exciting events planned for this year, 2018. Become part of the Gods Kingdom and His Harvest! Put your hands to the plow and do not look back! The Bible says that great is the reward for those that are willing to obey the Commandments of the Living God and We all know that God says: GO! DO! BE!

If you have been looking to become involved in something real and tangible for the Lord, here is your opportunity!

Again, we have been invited to minister at a number of Native Reserves. We will have special dinners prepared for them (500 to 700 people) with music, preaching, and testimonies! Last time God healed people, we were able to pray for the Chiefs and Elders and few dozen Natives received Christ as their Lord and Saviour! Praise God!!!

Marches for Jesus! We are privileged to be part of organizing and assisting many Marches for Jesus in a number of cities and countries. In Canada, we are planning to have few. There is no greater joy than to lift the Name of Jesus in public and to bring someone to our Heavenly Father! In Calgary, the March for Jesus is planned for June 17 at 1 pm. The march in Calgary starts at Millennium Square 1pm and goes to Olympic Plaza where we will praise, worship, pray and exalt Jesus Christ to the glory of the Heavenly Father, and where we will eat, (free BBQ for all) laugh and partake in God’s blessings.

City Hall prayers and worship time! For the past few years, we organize (every 4 months) meetings at Calgary City Hall. We pray, worship and declare the Will of Our Saviour Jesus Christ over our cities and countries! We just finished one in April. Next one is in September!

Feeding the poor and preaching the Gospel in public is happening now almost every day in over 30 cities in a number of different countries. Street Church is growing! More and more people are starting to follow the Biblical way to follow Christ instead of the denominational way of the hypocrites (stay/sit and listen only). We are a generation that has received a great privilege to be the Voice Crying in the Wilderness preparing the way for our Lords return! In Calgary, we go out four times a week with the message of Hope and with the food for the hungry! If you can help that would be wonderful. We need hamburgers, hot dogs, chickens etc. Many are facing difficult times. This is our moment to tell them that God cares! Street Church meetings in Calgary: Monday Outreach 6pm. Wednesday Lunch Church service 11am. Friday Night Evangelism 6pm. Sunday Church Service at the Gates of the City 1pm. All meetings are in front of Calgary’s City Hall.

Christian concerts are being organized this year. Some will be indoor, some in the parks. Music brings the presence of our God. When He comes, we change, atmosphere changes! God brings Holiness and Truth! With Him comes Freedom! Prince’s Island Park Calgary! The Park at the center of the city! We have rented a big stage for the whole day of worship and prayer! June 26, at noon! Come and lift your voices to the Living God!

We are starting our own TV Christian Channel! We realized how corrupted the mainstream media propaganda has become. We need to counter this and reach those that are not able to come but are willing to listen to the Truth!

We have also started a regular Church of Discipleship where we come to be challenged and to challenge others. No political correctness, no compromise, no retreat! Here, at this Church, we are God pleasers, not man pleasers! The Fortress (Cave) of Adullam, every Saturday 9:45 am! Time of worship, testimonies, preaching, and lunch afterward. The address is unit #217 1829 54th Street SE, Calgary second floor.

Those are just a few highlights. Please become part of what God is doing! Do not sit on the fence! Fence belongs to the devil. Jump and become the hands and the feet of Jesus Christ! The Time is Now!

“Whoever has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me. The one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and reveal Myself to him.” John 14:21

Be blessed! Sow in the Kingdom of God and become part of the Harvest!
Gods Team!

For more information please call us at 403-607-4434 or e-mail me at [email protected]

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