February 6, 2025

City Hall Location – Awesome!

The Street Church Team which is going to the new location on Wednesday’s at the steps of City Hall, between 11:00am and 1:00pm, are very excited about this location. Every Wednesday they have seen someone respond to Christ, none being homeless, just your downtown worker stopping by to hear the gospel and responding. I was told over 20 people were prayed over today as well, and many tracts, DVD’s, and Jesus flags are handed out. Last week a city Transit bus took a Jesus flag, and put it on the bus!
Thousands of people are walking by and driving by, seeing the cross right at the steps of City Hall, and hearing the gospel preached. Today the gospel was preached for over 2 hours. Please feel free to join the team on Wednesday’s. We will continue with this location throughout the summer.

Bogden has been leading a small team to go right out front of the Drop In Centre to do one on one evangelism on Monday Nights, Bogden said that last Monday he talked to a homeless man who told him that while Street Church was doing services in Triangle Park, he would curse us and always speak bad about the ministry, but since we have left he has seen the violence and darkness increase substantially around the Park, he and many others are now greatly missing the church services. Since Street Church has left Triangle Park, there are still people that go to Triangle Park, but they are mostly the drug dealers and drug users. Isn’t it interesting to see human nature, when something good is happening we try and find everything wrong with the good that is going on, but when the good stops, we realize how important and impactful the work was.

1 John 1:17 “And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.”

Live life in light of eternity

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