February 9, 2025

More Truth about Noise Level

More detailed Truth regarding the noise level at Street Church (Seems to be a hot topic)


Street Church had never received a ticket for noise violations from 2002-2006

Every complaint was proven to be invalid by the bylaw officers (We have 30 signed reports by the bylaw officers)

Even though Street Church had never received a ticket we still wanted to work with the city, so in September of 2006, a Bylaw officer came down and told us to change direction of the speakers, and go from 4 speakers to 2. We complied. (We have the signed report by the bylaw officer)

  1. Their has been over 100 complaints, these complaints have been made by just 11 different people complaining over and over again.
  2. A group of people came to Street Church in spring of 2006 and said they did not like our message, so they were going to complain over and over again until the city shut us down. This is when we started having problems with the city at that location.
  3. The judge did not make a judgment against Street Church, she just stepped away from the issue, so Street Church and the City could resolve their issues.
  4. The city called for a meeting to work it out on April 19; at the beginning of the meeting the city lawyer said they were not there to work it out, just to clarify their position. They made it clear they wanted no amplification, period. The city lied to the media saying the opposite was true. I was personally at that meeting, and have learned a lesson regarding what to believe from the city and what I read or hear from the media.
  5. Street Church has been threatened and harassed by the city on 40 different occasions (most are on video tape), many being without the use of amplification, just open air preaching without sound.
  6. Art was arrested last year for reading the Bible and praying in a public park during the Fringe festival, with no amplification
  7. There is a bylaw in place that sets the limit for noise level in the downtown core and that limit is being followed by Street Church. We have purchased a decibel meter to monitor our sound level. (Considering bars, Folk Festival, etc are allowed to go above and beyond this noise level; this action by the city is unfair)
  8. Conclusion: The city and a group of people do not like the gospel message; they want this message shut down. As the mayor quoted in the paper, “the word should only be shared with those wanting to listen.” There is a big problem with this statement, it is not Biblical. We have learned many people, at first do not want to hear the gospel, but as the seeds continue to get planted people respond. Some of our biggest enemy’s become the first ones to repent and receive Jesus. The great commission is to preach the gospel to all creation, not if they want to hear or not. Jim Elliot and his friends were killed by the very people they were trying to share the gospel with, but their wives went in after and continued to be a light, and most of the tribe got saved, even many who killed the missionaries.
  9. This is not about noise level it is about the freedom to proclaim the gospel freely; Satan hates the open proclamation of the Gospel. Street Church has decided to make a stand because
  10. We are standing on truth.

We saw 4 people get saved over the weekend and 1 baptism.

Challenge for Action: The city just informed us today, they do not want us in Triangle Park period, no feeding the poor, no clothing the poor, no preaching, and if we show up this Friday their may be consequences.

We will be there this Friday, come and join us at 7:00pm across from the Drop In Centre. Live on the edge for Jesus.

Live life in light of eternity

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