October 21, 2024

Continued Planting of Seed Produces a Harvest

Last night was awesome, we witnessed 4 salvations and 2 baptisms, here are a few testimonies on what took place.

  1. David has been living on the river bank for years and he has been listening to the gospel message from Street Church, yesterday he finally came over to the park and received Christ and asked to be baptized. The baptism was and testimony was filmed on CTV.
  2. Gil is from India, he has been attending Street Church off and on for the past 2 years, Gil witnessed David getting baptized, and Gil stepped forward to receive Christ and get baptized.
  3. Cherie, a young girl in her late teens, came forward crying to receive Jesus; Sanjay had the opportunity to lead her to Jesus. She wants to get baptized this Sunday.
  4. Martin who is from Quebec, and has only been in Calgary for just under a year, came down to Street Church on Friday night. He saw the police and witnessed all the commotion, he stated he just started to pray sincerely for Street Church, because the church was the best thing he has experienced in Calgary, while he was praying he said something stopped his tongue, and felt a feeling of electricity going through his body and he opened his mouth and started speaking in an unknown language. Martin was so fired up he was sharing this with everyone.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid. Nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

We know God is with us, and that is all we need to know.

Good news the city has called a meeting for Thursday to work everything out!

Live life in light of eternity; stand strong in the truth, no retreat, no surrender! For the sake of lost souls heading to an eternity in hell! We need to be bold with the saving message of the Gospel

Live life in light of eternity

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