February 6, 2025

A Peaceful Tuesday

Our city hall prayer and worship meetings are already bearing wonderful fruit. We met in our usual manner in the atrium of Calgary’s city hall. After a few months of receiving heavy harassment from city hall authorities, finally we see some break through. Either it is because they are, in their mind, preparing for the courts (and they don’t want to look like bullies) or because they realize that what we are doing is not a bad thing. Last week some of the participants went to the police and corporate security after the prayer and worship and shook their hands and said to them “Bless you, God loves you.” Only God knows what kind of impact this encounter had on those people. After all, we come there to bless them with wisdom and power and the mercy of God, and this is what the city needs the most. Whether their intentions are noble or not, surely we enjoyed this time of peace. We also have to remember that God delights in the worship of His people. When we sing and lift His name high, He (Jesus) shows up! And that’s exactly what we have seen this last Tuesday.

Within one hour of prayer and worship we had more people this time than ever before and because the police and the corporate security were not intimidating participants with tickets and no-trespass orders or threatening them with being arrested, (no one received a ticket or a no-trespass order) the joy and peace was beautifully tangible. We had one lady that works in city hall join us, and I’m telling you that this lady was an amazing worshipper. Not only did she know all the songs, she really enjoyed every minute of it. Another lady started to weep and as she was wiping her tears i went to talk to her and she said that she was deeply touched because while we were singing and praying it reminded her of her child hood, and she joined us in the circle. Wow! That’s why we are there, to impact lives for now and eternity.

There were also onlookers that watched what was happening. What a great opportunity to sow the seeds of life in all their hearts. One of the worshippers had a vision of Jesus rising from the spot of where we were worshipping straight up and out of the roof of city hall to take His rightful place of authority over this city. And that’s what needs to happen. Jesus the King, the One that loves everyone with unchangeable love and desires to be the centre, the heart of every city. There was truly a peace that surpasses all understanding. God is establishing His righteousness in front of our eyes. The only requirement for us is to partner with the Mighty One of Israel.

The LORD gave this command to Joshua son of Nun: “Be strong and courageous, for you will bring the Israelites into the land I promised them on oath, and I myself will be with you.”Deuteronomy 31:23 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

We need to remember that this is not a Street Church event. The majority of people come from different churches, and so everyone that loves Jesus and wants to worship Him is welcome. Next meeting is Tuesday February 21 at 12 noon.

It would be awesome for you to join us!

For more information, please contact Artur Pawlowski at 403-607-4434 or e-mail [email protected]

On behalf of Street Church Ministries,

God bless you,
Artur Pawlowski

A few pictures from the event:

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