February 10, 2025
Press Coverage

Calgary – Pastor arrested for preaching the Gospel

On Saturday, Concerned Christians Canada reported that “members of the Street Church ministry were forcefully removed from their preaching platform by a mob of police officers.”


CCC continued: “For years the City has been waging a battle against the ministry, getting more and more aggressive with members being manhandled, Christian materials confiscated, and volunteers wounded from rough treatment.  Street Church ministries has made several attempts to have their Charter rights restored and have made several pleas for justice and mercy which have, to this date, fallen on deaf ears.”


CCC is “is launching an awareness campaign and will be contacting thousands of their supporters across the country to notify them of what injustices are going on in the City of Calgary.”


Jim Blake, National Chairman, Concerned Christians Canada, said “During this altercation three volunteers were arrested, one of which for recording the behaviour of the police from a nearby sidewalk, and still other ministry members were intimidated by being surrounded by squad cars, paddy wagons and police officers. Ironically drug dealers and drug users were conducting their business right in front of the officers and they did nothing to stop them. It’s just so hypocritical.


It’s high time that City council step up to the plate. They need to lay down their battle gear and allow Street Church to care for the less fortunate in peace. The very things that City officials harass Street Church about they allow others to do regularly without attacking them. This is a precisely targeted campaign against a ministry that preaches the gospel. It is bigotry and it must stop.”


People who want more information about this case can reach Jim Blake at 403-690-4636 or at [email protected] .

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