October 21, 2024

Magen David Adom-“Red Shield of David”

Street Church and March for Jesus is raising funds for Israeli humanitarian organization Magen David Adom.

God has told us in His Word, that those who bless Israel will themselves be blessed. Here is our opportunity to bring life and a blessing to those in Israel who need our help. In light of the recent embargo against Israel and its products by the United Nations, the need is greater than ever. Their enemies, now as before, are trying to destroy and impoverish this tiny country by these actions. We know that our enemy the devil hates God’s people. We must understand that whatever happens to Israel has a consequence on the whole world, and we as Christians are engrafted into their inheritance. Whatever happens to them, will eventually happen to us.

“The devil, he was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:43-45

Lies and Propaganda from The devil

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Now God is presenting us with an opportunity in a real and tangible way. It is one thing to pray. It is another to act upon that prayer and help to make it a reality. Please consider helping us to raise medical equipment for our brothers and sisters in Israel. Imagine if we can raise enough to purchase defibrillators, stretchers, ultrasounds, etc., that on a regular basis would be saving many lives.


As it is written in the Talmud, “Whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world.” And James 2:26 states “Faith without works is dead”. This is our cue. Let us put our faith into action. You can make your contribution at www.streetchurch.ca, or directly to Canadian Magen David Adom for Israel website at http://www.cmdai.org (be sure to note that it is from Street Church/March for Jesus).

Some may not be aware that Artur Pawlowski is the Honorary Chaplain for the Province of Alberta for Christian Friends of Canadian Magen David Adom for Israel.

Street Church and March for Jesus has always had a passion to lift the state of Israel up high, and today you can also be a part of this.

Here is some website information from the Canadian Magen David Adom for Israel organization:

Since 1976, Canadian Magen David Adom for Israel (CMDA) has been the sole authorized fund-raising organization in Canada dedicated to supplying Ambulances, Medical Equipment, Supplies and Blood Testing Kits to support the life saving efforts of MDA in Israel. All of CMDA’s assistance to the MDA has been made possible solely through the generous donations of people just like you.


Of the $6 million worth of supplies carried annually by MDA emergency vehicles, 10% are paid for by donations made through Canadian Magen David Adom.

Your donations have enabled the MDA to operate one helicopter, 75 scooters, 110 Mobile Intensive Care Units (MICU’s), and 800 ambulances which travel over 16 million km per year carrying life-saving supplies. MDA’s fleet travels over 9.775 million miles a year, answering over 500,000 calls annually. MDA has over 100 Emergency Medical Stations and 11 dispatch stations in communities throughout Israel providing emergency care and ambulance services, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year. The equipment and supplies are needed by our highly-trained, dedicated paramedics to treat over 450,000 patients. Your donation can support MDA’s life-saving activities.

6682645453 1879e8afbe zMagen David Adom in Israel Today

Magen David Adom, Israel’s First Aid Society, has more than 1,200 paid employees including ambulance medics and drivers, doctors, paramedics, blood technicians, communication center workers and administrative workers as well as 12,000 volunteers whereby half of these volunteers are teenagers and young adults.

The majority of MDA’s volunteers belong to a reserve force that can be called upon during disaster or national crisis.


MDA maintains an ambulance fleet of more than 800 modern lifesaving vehicles on call across the country, of which 20 percent need to be replaced every year.

Additionally, MDA’s 110 Mobile Intensive Care Units (MICU’s) are equipped for the immediate diagnosis and treatment in cardiac and polytrauma emergencies. Staffed by physicians and emergency paramedics, treatment can be administered en route to nearby medical centers greatly increasing survival rate and reducing the likelihood of further trauma related complications.

MDA’s 3-Wheel Scooter ambulances provide fast first responder emergency medical care by being highly maneuverable especially in high traffic situations and have greater accessibility to remote locations where standard ambulances would have difficulty accessing. (The CMDAI is committed to adding at least twelve of these life saving vehicles to the 50 already in service.)

For the first time ever, MDA is adding Emergency Response Helicopters to the sky’s of Israel. These specially equipped units will carry the latest in life saving equipment and will be staffed by fully trained paramedics, further increasing the MDA’s life saving capabilities.

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Magen David Adom is responsible for the collection and maintenance of more that 280,000 units of fresh blood each year which is collected solely from volunteer donors, without remuneration. MDA’s National Blood Services supplies 97 percent of the country’s total needs and 100 percent of the needs of the Israel Defense Forces.

MDA encourages all visitors to Israel to take the time to donate blood. A gift of blood is a gift of life.

Emergency First Aid Stations

Magen David Adom maintains a nationwide lifesaving network of over 100 Emergency First Aid Stations throughout the country. This expanding network of Emergency Stations is made possible through the generosity of the many MDA charitable support organizations throughout the world. Operating around the clock, MDA’s First Aid Stations play a vital role in saving lives every day of the year.

The equipment needed to supply MDA’s fleet of ambulances and paramedics is extensive:

  • Resuscitators; IV needles; trauma cervical collars; blood pressure cuffs; stethoscopes; gauze rolls; scissors; adhesive tape; oxygen cylinders; laryngoscope kits for intubation; oxygen masks; first aid dressings; non-latex gloves; advanced life support equipment

  • IV fluids; plastic airway pharyngeal devices; ice packs; tourniquets; saline solution; triangular bandages; childbirth deliver kits; chest seal bandages; with one-way valves; inhalation masks; facial masks

  • Direct tracheal ventilation kits; intercostals drainage kits; medical waste baskets for contaminated material; disinfection solution; life-saving medications; sterile syringes; defibrillators; surgical blades; chest decompression needles; alcohol disinfectant pads; endotracheal intubation tubes; stick lights; mass casualty ID tags

You can purchase one of these life saving vehicles and be proud to know that your donation is working everyday to save the lives of thousands of Israeli citizens. A minimum of 10% of MDA vehicles need to be replaced every year and for that we need the on-going support of people like you.

By purchasing equipment & supplies you are saving lives today. DONATE NOW!

Thank you for your support!

Interior Of A Magen David Adom Ambulance

Interior Of A Magen David Adom Ambulance


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