October 22, 2024

This should be heard by every pastor.

Pawlowski delivers powerful message to the pastors during conference in Europe.

“When a Church steps out in love in order to bring souls to righteousness Jesus stands with us and darkness has no choice but to flee! It Takes A Spark To Start A Fire! “- Artur Pawlowski


It Takes A Spark To Start A Fire  

By the grace of God we had the privilege to go to an international conference of Pastors and leaders from over forty nations. The conference was hosted in Holland in the city of Den Haag where Art was asked to give a seminar on evangelism and persecution and also invited to host the March For Jesus. Our team included Art, his son Nathaniel, Polish Pastor Jerzy Przeradowski, David Hughes and myself. It is very interesting that Art Pawlowski received a prophetic word before we departed from a gentleman in Calgary, He said “Remember it takes just a small spark to start a big fire” and that’s exactly what happened. We rented a car in Paris and drove to Den Haag Holland where we joined Pastor Jerzy in the hotel, so far everything was going smooth and without problems until of course we began to do preparations for the March For Jesus. There is something absolutely amazing when it comes to lifting up the name of Jesus Christ because it is at that point of stepping into the threshing floor with both feet when the spirit of Satan the adversary makes Himself felt and the spiritual warfare begins. In the name of Jesus The Christ is the authority where in is the universal power Satan The Devil fears the most. You see it is the name of Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection that every knee will have to bow and every tongue will have to confess that He is Lord of all. It is there through perseverance and prayer that we truly experience the victory and the will of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. The place where signs and wonders manifest is when the people of Jesus are not ashamed to step out according to the will of God and proclaim His salvation to edify the believer and bring the lost to righteousness.

We knew that God sent us there also with the understanding that Europe is in such a darkness that we were going to be in opposition and the spirit of Jesus in us was right. First it started with the enormous fear the leaders felt in leading the people out from the four walls to the streets of Den Haag. Europe faces huge challenges with very aggressive Islamists, homosexuals, abortionists and we witnessed that the Christian church is terrified to confront and address these arising problems facing their communities. For the past few decades instead of taking the territory for righteousness, Christians are just defending themselves and because of their passiveness the entire body of Christ “believers” throughout the world are continuing to lose more of their rights and freedoms. This act of non-resistance to the devils siege works continues to create an increasing amount of intimidation. Because of our experience in Calgary we were able to pick up on this fact very quickly and we knew what needed to happen, those people needed encouragement and an example of how to take the gospel and the name of Jesus out into the open.

The next day we met in front of Den Haag city hall with the local Pastors where we organized and equip the Church to March For Jesus. For them this was a totally new experience, we marched through the streets singing, lifting banners and proclaiming the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the few hours we distributed many gospel tracts and other local Christian material they had brought with them. We made a few stops where the Gospel was preached with megaphones and the march ended at the parliament building where prophetic words and prayer was proclaimed. The brothers and sisters that participated were very edified and deeply touched because of the outdoor experience through the Holy Spirit. The words of one pastor will describe this event the best “We have never seen something like this before”. What they experienced was a real movement of the Holy Spirit in their souls not a fake self – man made emotional hype, the difference between the two is so real that they will never forget, the Holy Spirit of Jesus Himself marched with us! God The Father loves when His son’s name is lifted high. In Den Haag on the 23 of April 2013 the name that is above all names marched through the streets; Praise God!

Den Haag Holland

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When a Church steps out in love in order to bring souls to righteousness Jesus stands with us and darkness has no choice but to flee! The little fire just started to burn again in Europe. Mission accomplished!

On Wednesday the conference began, we were able to worship our God with thousands of brothers and sisters from forty three different nations. Through worship, preaching and seminars people were being challenged to step out by faith and reach this lost generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ, the message to “Revive Europe” was repeated throughout the entire four days of the convention. Art Pawlowski was granted the opportunity to challenge Pastors to go out with the message of hope into the market place. It is worth mentioning that this came after a great series of obstacles. Art himself repeatedly said during our time in Europe the one thing the Devil fears the most is the Church that obeys and goes not just sits and talks, definitely that was the case here. No doubt the Devil took extra notice of the small envoy sent to them from Canada and attempted to prevent the challenging message from being proclaimed. First it started with a miss – communication between the organizers and the convention staff. When we arrived for the seminar it seemed as if someone had forgotten that the event was to take place. The speakers were not there and the video presentation that was to take place had missing cables and equipment, wow, talk about opposition! By this time we all knew we were in the middle of serious warfare, we all started to pray. Half an hour latter the people were drawn by the Holy Spirit and soon filled the room and a certain Brother was compelled to run and get the equipment, one Pastor supplied the laptop computer and cables so we were able to proceed with the presentation. From experience we know that when there is such huge opposition for what God is about to do that is when the power of Jesus moves hearts and minds of men to act accordingly to His will so we all may experience great things and that is exactly what happened. People were crying and in the end ninety five percent of the Pastors and attendees came forward to the altar to receive from The Holy Spirit the passion Jesus wants His children to receive for all souls. The regional overseers were impacted so much that we received five invitations to hosts seminars and lead marches for Jesus in Spain, France, Switzerland, Sweden and Ireland. What the enemy meant for evil God once again turned around and used it for His glory. Hallelujah!

Seminar on evangelism and persecution

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International conference of Pastors and leaders from over forty nations.

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What is also beautiful about our Jesus is that He loves to bless His children with different surprises. When you are about the business of God as His ambassador His love manifests in many ways. Being in Holland we were able to visit the Corrie Ten Boom museum an amazing woman along with Her family who were empowered by the Holy Spirit were able to hide approximately eight hundred people from the hands of Nazi Germany during the world war two occupation. They had the courage to risk their lives and stand for righteousness through obedience saving the lives of many people. We visited Her house to see with our own eyes the famous “hiding place” behind the wall of Corrie’s bedroom. We were taken for a history tour and we could see the courage and sacrifice of the few that were led by God and how they were able to accomplish the impossible, As Corrie said “not me but Christ in me”.

Corrie Ten Boom museum

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The famous “hiding place” behind the wall of Corrie’s bedroom.

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We Also had the privilege to meet Johan Huibers a Dutchman that build a full scale functioning model of Noah’s ark. The vessel is four hundred and twenty seven feet long, ninety five feet wide and seventy five feet high with live animals and also full scale Elephants, Giraffes, Rhinoceros etc showing more than adequate room to host all the animals mentioned in the bible. It is an amazing structure with a restaurant, movie theater, crafts and displays of ancient middle history and dress scenes from the life of Noah and games for kids, I particularly liked the display of the vessels of the tabernacle Moses built that included the holiest of holies with the ark of the covenant and the priestly garments. We met Johan personally and were able to record a special invitation from Him for the March For Jesus.

Noah’s ark

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Artur Pawłowski and Jerzy Przeradowski

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Johan Huibers with Artur Pawłowski, Jerzy Przeradowski, Marco Carbone and David Hughes

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The conference ended on Saturday and after that Art had the opportunity to meet with the general overseer for the Redeemed Christian Church Of God Pastor Enoch Adeboye an organization that is established in over two hundred and sixty nations. The original appointment was arranged in Canada but because of bureaucracy and different obstacles it seemed almost impossible for the meeting to actually take place. And again we prayed and through the perseverance of one local Pastor that would not give up eventually Mr Pawlowski and Mr Adeboye were able to meet. The general overseer was greatly moved saying that this truly was a move of God and that He himself with the organization that He leads would grant total support and blessing for the March For Jesus to happen in Nigeria this December. The heart of the King in the hands of the Lord is like rivers of flowing waters He directs them whichever way He chooses!

Pastor Enoch Adeboye

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Nathaniel Pawłowski

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After the meeting on our way to Paris we decided to stop in Brussels the Capital of Belgium and parliament head quarters for the United Nations. After a wonderful meal and famous Belgium chocolates we went straight to Paris for a couple days of sight seeing. We had a chance to see Louvre the biggest museum in the world with its famous paintings and sculptures and historical architecture. The favor of God was tangible throughout the entire trip for example Nathaniel was required to do a assigned video tape recording for French class and on the last day of our visit we had enough time to tour the Eifel Tower. God cleared the sky for the amazing view of the entire city of Paris and even though the lift was closed when we first arrived, just before paying for our tickets to the delight of Nathaniel the top floor was opened again so He was able to complete His project. Another great testimony of the Holy Spirit Of Jesus being with us during our visit to Europe is how we were granted to take all the first available flights as stand by customers. We required two flights to Europe and two flights back and miraculously the four seats needed were always available. We were never waiting more than a few hours even though most flights were announced as sold out. The hand of Jesus was clearly felt, I felt His Holy Spirit opening the doors and leading the way the entire time. Our God is lovingly faithful.

Brussels the Capital of Belgium

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Paris and the Eifel Tower

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The visit to Europe was extremely edifying, we met fellow believers from half way around the world and shared memorable encounters. Art delivered a very powerful sermon to the Pastors regarding the importance to exercise our faith in order to be built up in the teachings we are taught within the gatherings. I myself was blessed by the entire experience from beginning to end. Being surrounded by the spirits of the Holy Roman Empire and handing out tracts in the streets gave me real prospective on the spiritual condition of souls in Europe. The Holy Spirit revealed we are in the last days and all who stand without being ashamed of Jesus will receive the greatest rewards, there are millions of souls who desperately need to be refreshed and still many others who need to receive the promise God gave to Abraham. Not enough of the nations are coming to us so we must go to them, in this way we are performing and fulfilling our expected duties commanded to us from Jesus. When we witness outside the four walls the Holy Spirit is manifested to the non believers so they can see the hope that is in us, let us go outside the camp and let the nations see Jesus Christ the hope of glory in us so they to might enter into our gates and experience the Holy Spirit in them.

When we step out we cannot lose rather what we can expect is a strengthening and increase in the body of believers, let us therefore go outside the camp and bear the reproach of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ for when we are weak then we are strong.

Marco Carbone and Artur Pawłowski

Nathaniel Pawłowski in Holland

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Nathaniel and Artur Pawłowski in Paris

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Artur Pawłowski, Marco Carbone and David Hughes

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