February 10, 2025
Press Coverage

Ric McIver for PC Alberta Leader

Yesterday, I helped open the March for Jesus in Calgary.

In my remarks, I talked about how I have been able to celebrate the diversity of Alberta by taking part in celebrations of many religions, cultures and traditions that make up Alberta, and this was a day to celebrate my own Roman Catholic faith with other Christians.

I have attended the opening of this event for the last 4 years. For years, I have also attended events with other faith communities, including Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus, Jews and secular events with many diverse communities from around the world.

I sent a tweet about how it was good to see Alberta flags. To me, this was indication of how all Albertans can take part in celebrating their faith and culture openly in our province.

Since then, I have received many communications about negative text on the March for Jesus website.

Let me be clear about a few things:
1. Albertans have the right to live their lives as they choose (within the bounds of the law of course.)
2. The website in question is not my website and does not describe my views.
3. My website is ricmciver.com
4. As an Albertan and if chosen Premier, I do and will continue to defend equality rights for all Albertans as defined in the Charter, including sexual orientation. I deplore discrimination against all groups and individuals without exception.
5. I shall continue to attend events celebrating the diversity of Alberta.

I hope this statement clears up any doubts about my commitment to the rights and freedoms of all Albertans, in the past, in the present and in my intentions for the future.


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