February 6, 2025
Press Coverage

“A Story of Vision and Prophecy”

"A Story of Vision and Prophecy" N Monday Night Evangelism Ministry Article for City Light News ‘August 4, 2005

The beginning was simple. as always with God. The Lord God put a desire on our hearts to proclaim the gospel to the lest and allow them to respond to Jesus. We started with just a few of us going out on Monday nights, in different locations around Calgary, to hand out tracts and share our testimonies one-an-one.


We noticed the fruit was limited and we felt God calling us not to whisper about Jesus anymore, but to take the step of faith and start shouting about the freedom He brings and the abundant life He gives. God showed us that the book of Acts is for today! And we prayed for the tire of the Holy Spirit, so that we could proclaim [he Gospel with power, boldness and signs.


God brought us to Romans 15: 18·19, "for I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me, resulting in the obedience of the Gentiles by word and deed, in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of the Spirit; so that from. Jerusalem and round about as far as Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ." (NASB), where Paul says the full Gospel is preached in word, deed, miracles and wonders and by the power of the Holy Spirit.


That healings and manifestations of His wonderful love are for those who will hear and obey His words, who will take the gift of salvation and move on with God’s grace in their hearts to start a new life. A life that is free from the chains of destruction, a life that is free from drugs and alcohol, a lift: that is free from prostitution and loneliness, because those who come to Jesus Christ are free indeed. Those who respond to His mercy and love, receive peace and joy, but how do they respond unless they hear about God’s promises and how will they hear ifno one will go and tell them. Faith comes from hearing and believing the word of God. So we took that to the streets of Calgary proclaiming boldly with the power of the Holy Spirit and with the fire that comes from His love to share – No: To shout about the Saviour that died fer everyone that believes, that the one who came in the flesh and died on the cross and on the third day was resurrected is still the same yesterday, today and forever – that is our Lord Christ Jesus.


We had a truck with speakers and a microphone on high volume and spoke openly, sharing the Gospel, to everyone that heard our voice and it began. People every week started to respond to the kno ck in their hearts, a kno ck of their Father in heaven that loved them so much. One by one they came forward, some kneeling, some crying, but all came as they were (as we all are), filthy. dirty in their own righteousness to receive Jesus Christ into their hearts to be cleansed and washed with the blood of Jesus to be spotless and righteous in the eyes of the Lord that took them, made them His own and then called them sons and daughters .

Week after week we are amazed by what God is doing on the street of our city, since we obeyed God’s leading and opened our mouths, we have seen thousands .of’people hear the Gospel every month and hundreds have received Christ; with rr.any being baptized immediately in the Bow River.


"So then, those who had received his word were baptized; and there were added that day about three thousand souls", from Acts 2:41 and "and after he brought them out, he said, ‘Sirs, what must I do to be saved?’ And they said, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved, you and your household.’ And they spoke the ‘Nord of the Lord to him together with all who were in his house. And he took them that very hour of tho night and washed their wounds, and immediately he was baptized, he and all his household", from Acts 16:30-33.


One of our biggest challenges was concerning discipleship. People started coming to us, telling us "you preach to us Mondays and leave us for the rest of the week in this hell." Then God put on our hearts to start Street Church, so we started looking for a building to buy or rent, but God had different plans – we missed the simplicity of it. God moved us to begin Street Church on Sunday afternoons at 2:00 pm in the middle of the park across from the Drop-In Centre and beside the river; a church under the biggest roof in the world, a church without boundaries, walls and religion.


The church under the sky is exciting because we have to totally rely on God, we can’t control the weather, the surroundings or the attendees. We have to fully rely on God to orchestrate His service and we have been blown away by what he is doing, so we come with great expectations every Sunday. We have never experienced a Sunday without seeing sinners repent, saved and baptized.


We have learned that revival starts in our own hearts and when we give up control, religion and human wisdom, God takes over, doing His part – Salvation. We have come to one of the biggest revelations in our lives- that it is not about us and our ideas, but It’s about God and His way of reaching the lost, and His way is outlined for us in the great commission and the book of Acts.


If you are tired of not seeing the promised fruit and your desire is to see God working­ the way he promised in His Word, with signs and wonders, we invite you to come and join us – because the harvest is great, but the labourers are few. Join ordinary people like us and witness the extraordinary things that God is doing. Particularly when His children, in obedience, are sharing God ‘5 truths by opening their mouths and allow Him to fill their hearts with His words and don’t rely on their own strength, but on the power of the Holy Spirit.


Come and join us on Monday nights at 7:00 pm at the Salvation Army Centre of Hope (420 – 9th Avenue SE, in the cafeteria on the main floor) or on Sunday afternoons at 2:00 pm in the park across from the Drop-In Centre.

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