January 22, 2025
Press Coverage

Preacher accused of infringement goes to court




An embattled city preacher will head into a courtroom today accused of imposing his religious beliefs on unsympa-thetic ears.

Rev. Artur Pawlowski is fac-ing seven criminal charges, including resisting arrest, disturbing the peace and obstruction of justice, in relation to an incident along 17 Ave. S.W. on Aug. 16, 2006.

Pawlowski was arrested after police officers tried to move his followers and him away from the Calgary Fringe Festival, but allegedly refused to leave.

Officers were called in after the group allegedly started chastising and preaching to vendors, including tarot card readers, at the festival.

"Politicians have decided that they don’t care about laws anymore and the author¬ities are ignoring our rights," said Pawlowski, who says he’s done nothing wrong.


Response in the form of a article comment:


RE: "PRAYING aloud gets man arrested," Licia Corbella, Aug. 21.

A man reading from the Bible and praying in public is treated as a common criminal? Where in histo¬ry have I seen that before?
Pastor Tom Maxwell


Accused of infringement

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