October 21, 2024

This was an amazing Celebration!

Many times when we come to the streets what we see is despair, loneliness, sadness, hopelessness and misery. Thats why I love those special moments even more when we can, in the name of Jesus Christ put some joy and hope in peoples lives. This time was no different.

Hebrews 13:16 “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”

Elvis aka Leland Johnson was awesome. With his exceptional talent he was singing and ministering to the homeless and passerby for more the two hours. Thousands heard the good news as shuttle buses every fifteen minutes were bringing new people from all over the city. There was some problems with LRT and people had to take those busses right in front of our church gathering. God decided 🙂 that they needed to hear the Gospel and the “reason for the season” which is of course Jesus Christ.

People were dancing, laughing, clapping and singing with Elvis. What a joy, what a celebration.

The food was incredible. Peter was serving our very own Alberta steaks. They were delicious. We also had hundreds of hamburgers and thanks to Daniel Gugins and his business (Ukrainian Fine Food 403 287-8884) we had hundreds of pierogies with sour cream. What a treat that was.

We also had a visit from an real statesmen Rob Anders, Member of Parliament. He was giving gifts to the less fortunate. Let me tell you that being around politicians all my life I have never seen one that would come and help the poor without the cameras and reporters all around him. This man is different, he came and spoke and gave gifts to the homeless and did not care for any recognition. Wow, we do not see that very often. Usually they want to be on every TV station and newspaper so the whole world could see how good of a person they are. Rob Anders is truly different. May God bless him mightily for his generous heart.

This event would not be possible without the wonderful volunteers that once again proved that it is not the quantity, but quality that makes the difference, makes everything unique and better. They did an amazing job. True servants of the most High God. With the joy and gladness they ministered to the poor. They served food, prayed for people and shared with everyone what Christmas was all about. What an amazing group of people. Thank you for being the hands, feet and the mouth of Jesus, great will be your reward.

Proverbs 19:17 “He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and that which he has given He will repay to him.”

Please have an wonderful Christmas and Happy new Year filled with God’s blessings, His peace and His joy.

I bless you in the name of Jesus Christ

Artur Pawlowski

Let’s live life in the light of eternity-If everything we did was for one soul to make it to heaven because we broke our silence and opened our mouths it was all worth it!!!

Leland Johnson

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Street Church Ministries

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Kids distributing gifts to the poor during Street Church Christmas Festival December 2014

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Elvis aka Leland Johnson

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Rob Anders Member of Parliament speaking to the homeless during Christmas Celebration in front of Calgary’s City Hall.

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Rob Anders Member of Parliament giving Christmas gifts to the homeless.

Rob Anders

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Artur Pawlowski and Leland Johnson praying for Rob Anders

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