February 10, 2025

Therefore Bear Fruits Worthy of Repentance

We have seen God bring forth awesome fruits the last couple of weeks through Street  Church, here are

A few testimonies:

  1. The last week and a half we have seen 31 people make decisions for Christ.
  2. Bogden led 6 men to the Lord in prison last Tuesday night
  3. Last Monday we saw 10 people respond to Jesus.
  4. During the evangelism time on Monday night there is a team who stays behind in the Chapel at the Salvation Army, a man came into the Chapel and during the prayer demons started to manifest physically threw him, the team then started casting demons out of this man, at the end of the session this man was laughing and saying he felt free. Jay and Janice talked to him after and as they were walking he dropped to his knees in gratitude to God for setting him free.
  5. He was changed by the power of the living God. Luke 9 “Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.”

Street Church fed around 75 poor on the steps of city hall today, and preached the gospel, a Chinese lady walking by; who is not homeless received Christ. Amen

We feel so blessed to continue to see the hand of God in our ministry, even though we make plenty of mistakes, God is with us, and we see His power changing lives.

We have many people coming to the different outreach events asking for prayer, because they have heard God is with us, and they know we stand for one thing, Jesus Christ. That is our goal in this ministry that people would not come to hear a certain man, or to gain knowledge, or come for a program, or self help group, but they would come to be touched by Jesus Christ. We lift up Jesus, and He draws people unto himself.

Live life in light of eternity

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