February 6, 2025

Street Church Celebration!

Another year has passed finalized by a celebration brought together by Street Church whom took the Gospel to the ever populated Olympic Plaza. Built in 1988 for the Olympic Winter Games and being the only refrigerated outdoor ice surface in the city whereby hundreds of families make use of the ice rink, the opportunity was seized to plant seeds of hope by preaching the Good News to this whole field.

Leland was welcomed to perform dressed as Elvis yet converting the late singers music into Gospel and words of praise. definitely a creative way to catch people’s attention and direct them to the Name above all names, Jesus Christ our Lord. A witness to those in the field who may not have otherwise have heard, been taught, or warned of the Gospel given by the grace and mercy of the Living God.

Directly east of the Plaza, crowds of homeless people were being fed with an abundance of steaks, salads, breads, hot beverages and much more not unlike the four days of the week where this is conducted, week in and week out. Street Church commits to meeting the very basic of needs to feed people that are hungry and clothe them, imperative when trying to survive in temperatures that do reach to -40 Celcius in the winter making it close to impossible to survive for some that do not make it. Alongside meeting these needs, the Gospel is preached, via loudspeaker making it even possible to those people within the surrounding blocks to hear.

Banners, our voices, praise and worship, were all lifted up in proclamation of the Gospel to the Glory of God alone in the midst of constant battle contending for the faith with the police and bylaw officers, drug pushers, scoffers and mockers, yet standing relentless in plowing forward with the charge of the Gospel. Praise, honor, and glory be to the Most High God who shares His glory with no other!!

In every season and in every land and to every creature, preach the Good News!

Leland Johnson as “Gospel Elvis” www.lelandjohnson.com

Olympic Plaza Christmas Celebration 2015 2

Olympic Plaza

Olympic Plaza Christmas Celebration 2015 3

Street Church in Calgary

Olympic Plaza Christmas Celebration 2015 5

Olympic Plaza Christmas Celebration 2015 6

Olympic Plaza Christmas Celebration 2015 8

Olympic Plaza Christmas Celebration 2015 9

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