February 10, 2025

Spirit of Repentence-Amazing Stories of Changed Lives

Here are some powerful testimonies from the last 2 days at Street Church; God is truly working in Power.

  1. David, who is a 23 year old young man, was going through the food line up last night, when Monty asked him if he needed prayer, he said yes. I took David away from the line up and he told me he had only been in Calgary for 2 days; he had just gotten back from a tour in Iraq as a soldier in the US army. David said he has had a tough time dealing with what he saw, and did over there, so he has been numbing the pain with the bottle, his mom kicked him out of the house, because she could not deal with him, he heard there was money to be made in Calgary.
  2. I was able to share the gospel with David, and he said he wanted to repent and receive Jesus, I told him to pray to God in His own words, and cry out to Jesus, David prayed out loud for 5 minutes, with tears of Repentence. David stuck around for another 30 minutes while different members of Street Church ministered to him, he is coming to Bible study Wednesday. Praise God, pray for David that he would understand no matter what he has done in the past; his sins are forgiven and taken care of through the blood of Jesus.
  3. Tracy (19), and her cousin Ivan (20), came down to Triangle Park last night to get some drugs, they live in Huntington hills. Maurice and Monty felt led to go and clean up the park by picking up garbage at the end of the night. Maurice saw Tracy, and felt God wanted him to tell her that Jesus loved her, he told her this, and she started to cry. Monty and Maurice ministered to her and Ivan, and then brought them over to us and both wanted to receive Jesus, while they were receiving Christ they were both crying.
  4. Sanjay was preaching the gospel at the end of the night, and Mario came across the Street from the Drop In Centre to receive Christ.
  5. A man from India was very antagonistic against the gospel on Sunday, and he was yelling at Shuni, while he was preaching, Ida came up to him and said, Jesus loves you, he calmed down, and 10 minutes later received Christ.
  6. A native man on Sunday came forward to receive Christ and as we prayed over him he fell to the ground and said I have never felt anything like that before, and while praying over him demons started to manifest, and when they were cast out, he became calm, and kept asking where he was. It was like he was in his right mind for the first time.
  7. Jerry  received Christ right in the food line up last night
  8. Shane said he had had enough of the booze, and he needed a change. He said he had gone to church, but he could not get out of his lifestyle. I told him my testimony, and talked to him about repentance, and surrendering his life to Jesus, he said he wanted that, and he would start coming to Bible studies on Wednesday nights.

Please pray for all of these new believers that the seed would go deep into fertile soil. Pray for, David, Tracy, Ivan, Ken, Mario, Shane, Jerry, the man from India, and the native man.

Live life in light of eternity

Powerful story, which has reminded me about the urgency of sharing the Gospel. And how connected we all are.


Friday at ball hockey a good friend of mine who is not a Christian, told me he had witnessed someone die that week. He said he was at a C-train stop when the man behind him in a ¾ ton truck was honking his horn for Jeff to go through ( There was room to go through the arms, even though they were down) Jeff did not move, so this young man went around him and as he was going through he was looking back at Jeff in road rage, Jeff said it was like time stood still, for at that time the train was coming, and hit the truck, and the man was killed instantly. On Sunday night I found out who the man was who was killed,

Stephan Landry. I met Stephan Landry at the Drumheller prison 2 months ago. He responded to Jesus, and I gave him my phone number. Stephan got out of prison one month ago, he called me right away, and I picked him up to bring him to Street Church, he also came out to MNE, to share his testimony the following night. Stephan had back problems as well, so he was seeing me 2 times a week for Chiropractic. We had called him twice for missed appointments last week, not knowing his soul was now in eternity. ( he also kept calling me to go out for coffee with him, I never did take him up on the offer)

I have been meditating on this event the past 2 days, and 2 things keep coming up, one: there are no guarantees for any of us to live another day, so lets be sure we are right with God, and we have told those around us about Jesus. Two: Lets live a life which proves we are saved (a saved life, is a changed life). With Stephan, I am not sure where his soul is, heaven or hell, since I did not see any definite fruit of a changed life the last 3 weeks I spent with him. What will people say about us, at our funeral, will they have to guess if we are in heaven or hell? Are they seeing a life with the fruit of repentence?

I do have regrets that I did not go out for coffee with Stephen, but I praise God Stephen heard the Gospel, and responded to Jesus. I do not know how I would feel if I never told him about Jesus.

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