January 18, 2025

Prodigal son returns home-Drumheller prison

Luke 15 11-32 “And there wasted his possessions with prodigal (wasteful) living”, “I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son”“for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ “for your brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is found”


I love this story, because it relates to all of us who have been born again, we were dead in our sins, then God saved us through His Son Jesus, now we are alive in ChristTowards God, children of the living God, washed by the blood, and filled, and sealed with the Holy Spirit.


This next story I want to share with you is just an awesome testimony of the mercy and love God has towards all those who come to Him in humility and repentence. He is mighty to save, heal, deliver, and restore.


Testimony: Last month at Drumheller Prison we preached the gospel, and challenged the men to be on mission right in the prison, to seek and save the lost. We told them that they did not, or should not wait until they get out of jail, but start where they are at, to tell what great things God has done for them through Jesus Christ. Two men came forward at the alter call to commit to answering the call; to be intentional witnesses for Christ, no matter what the cost, and yield to the Lordship of Jesus.


After praying for these two men, the chaplain came over to me and told me a man was in his office and wanted prayer. I went into the office and could immediately see the Holy Spirit was working on this men’s heart. He opened up by saying he was raised in a Christian home in Chestermere, and when he was 16 yearsold he was cut by a Junior A hockey team, he took it hard, and rebelled, and started running with the wrong crowd, before he knew it he was involved in the Asian gangs.  Years later he ended up getting a 9 year sentence in Prison for crime.


This men said he was one of the king pins in prison, in charge of hits, and drugs, etc, but he wanted to stop being a soldier for Satan, and become a soldier for Jesus. This man was doubting whether God would forgive him, because of all the awful things he had done. I told him God would and could if he would repent and put his faith solely in Jesus, receiving Him as his Lord and Savior.


We held hands and he cried out to God in his own words to save him, I was crying, and he was crying. I believe God saved this man right there in the office. There was a peace, which came over this man. This man is in his 30’s and is out in a few months, he was desperate in finding a church to get involved in right when he gets out of jail.


Let’s pray for Him, and celebrate the grace and mercy of God. “To be a soul winner is the happiest thing in the world. And with every soul you bring to Jesus Christ, you seem to get a new heaven here upon earth.” Charles Spurgeon


Live life in light of eternity,



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