February 6, 2025

Letters to Street Church

Here are several letters we have received from many people from around the world,

expressing their appreciation for Street Church and the work that we do. I hope that

they bless you as much as they have blessed me. Many thanks to all those who have been

an encouragement and for all your prayers, you are greatly appreciated! I’m sure that everyone

of you will receive God’s blessing for your faithfulness.


We are extremely proud of you, Street Church brothers!!! Keep it up! I just LOVE to be "UN-politically correct!!"

You’re certainly aware that we’re in the end times, and God has told us the truth about what’ll happen … It’s HAPPENING!

So please receive our admiration for your wonderful and bold stance for the TRUTH!! Our Bible says they’ll hate us as they hated Jesus … so we’re in good company!! Bless all of you!!


Laurie Whitcomb, one of your fans!

I have read this and I am so excited to see how God is working in Street Church, in knocking out all of the obstructions that are put in the way of God’s work by civil servants and governments. I will continue to pray for this church as I believe that they are God’s instrument in downtown Calgary to reach those who may not ever go to a regular church. We are getting closer and closer I feel to the end times and of course Satan is going to use whoever he can to fight his battles, even the City of Calgary and CRA, but Greater is He that is In Us than he that is in the world (to paraphrase a bit!)

In Christ

Dear brother and sisters in Christ: I will be praying for you here in Corinth. In Christ Victory is Yours!!!!!!!!!!!!

Corinthian Ministries
Corinth Greece

Well, brothers, persecution of God’s faithful people has existed from the very beginning .. and has never really stopped! It’s a high standard and a continuing trial He has for us … like a fine sifting. We thank Him for Art and his Christlike perseverance, and Lawrence plus all the strong-willed and victorious (in God’s eyes) believers with them!

Remember the martyrs’ burnings and blood shed for the truth! The truth hasn’t changed, and our battle hasn’t lessened. It will get worse! So let’s keep up the fight for the freedom of belief we’re owed and the final victory of truth over the errors of a worldly, humanistic culture whom we desire to SAVE!! May God help us!!!

Bless you, Art and Lawrence! We’re on the winning side!

Never give up!!

I’ll be there Monday at 8:30!

Laurie Whitcomb

Hello Art — I was just reading through the scriptures this afternoon, and the Lord impressed upon my heart a word for you, for your family and for Street Church from Proverbs 24:25 AMP:

"But to those [upright judges] who rebuke the wicked, it WILL go well with them and they WILL find delight, and a good blessing WILL be upon them." Amen.

He recognizes and will reward you for your faithfulness (full of faith) and for standing strong and TRUE in the face of great adversity and persecution. He is well pleased with you and WILL bring you through the storm to the ‘other side’ (Luke 8:22-25)!

Blessings, Gail Snyder

Thank you for the email to inform us of the current events. We wanted to encourage you.

As our governments makes their present decisions, rest assured that we have already made ours!

When true believers give their lives to Christ they commission themselves to follow the word daily and in doing so obey God rather than man in all areas of their lives, this includes the tithe. And what the CRA doesn’t understand is that we give by obedience, not to get back 20-40%. Let them separate the sheep and the goats. We will become warriors!


Mom And I Are So Much Joiful For The Victory That The Lord Gave Street Church On Court. And More Than That Over Satan!!!

Gloryfy Be The Name Of The Lord, Because He Is Faithful And He Defends His Children… I Do Not Have Words To Say, It Is Joi, And A Inecualable Feeling, That Comes From The Holy Spirit.

My Mother Is Full With Joi And When She Knew About What The Judge Said, She Shouted Of Happiness And It Was Really, Really A Miracle Of Good News!!!

God Bless You Artur Dear


Art and street church fammily

Greetings in his name Thank you so much for keeping me up to date with what the street church is doing glory to our Father in heaven for the victory in Him it has been ablessing to share the journey with you. Please pass my greetings on to all in street church that remember me and send my wishes for a very blessed Christmas and a very prosperous new year in the Lord

In Jesus’s precious name
Kath from ManchesterArt,


So great to hear about your recent victory in the courts. God continues to show Himself strong in Street Church and in your life. I am encouraged more than ever by your efforts in Calgary.

Robert Moran

Colorado Springs, CO (USA)

Dear Art,

I could not contain my self with the joy of the Lord for his favour upon you and all the good fight he has called you. Congratulations and praise the Lord God for his love endures for ever.

Keep fighting the good fight and focus on him and only him. Give my love to your family, till I see you,


God Bless You

Congratulation Art and Street Church members Praise God
I’m also happy for you guys and the ministry Please say hallo for me to all



Halleluyah and Praise His Name. We are glad to see a Judge whom stands up for the truth as it should be.
City Officials think they can remove what they hate. But the Devil did not get the victory. Our Father in Heaven won the fight.
Now, I pray that they will not try to bother any more.

In His Service,

Apostle Dr. C.N. Turrell,Th.D.,D.D.,Ph.D
Presiding General Overseer/Founder/Pastor
Lighthouse Assembly
Apostolic Truth Ministries Worldwide

Praise the Lord. Its great, great great to be vindicated!!!! What a blessing the Lord gave you a reasonable judge. One who sounds like he must have a fear of the Lord!!! Blessed be the name of the Lord God Almighty.

Be Blessed Pastor

Walt Wawra

Greeting Art,

Praise God for His Faithfulness!

As the Christmas song, "I Heard The Bells" reminds us…

"And in despair I bowed my head for there is no peace on earth I said, for hate is strong and mocks the song of Peace on Earth, Goodwill to men. Then hear the bells more loud and deep,GOD is not Dead, nor does He sleep. The wrong shall fail, the right prevail with Peace on Earth, Goodwill to men. I can hear Your voice…"

It is good to see that God stills acts on behalf of His people!

Praise His name forever more!

Grace and Peace,


PRAISE GOD! This news has crowned this year as year of Victory for those that are resolute on the Kingdom.

May the Lord bless you for standing up and fighting this all the way!

Congratulations Brother Art!

I praise God with you and lift my voice in agreement to praise for His awesome power as shown in this decision! Hallelujah!


Dear Servant of God pastor Artur

I read into your exciting ministry website and was greatly touched and ministered to as i read through your mission. God bless you greatly for obeying his voice to minister this kind of healing to the body of Christ. You are really a vessel the lord uses to touch lives in the world. The new foundation you have really laid in lives is great,strong and powerful, God bless you for such big sacrifice.

We are writing to thank you for such good Job for Christ. We have never been ministered to the way your website did to us. Our lives have been transformed and new fires of evangelism lit in our hearts. Could you please pray with us a bout the possibility of coming in Kenya next year 2010 and minister the gospel to the lost in villages and markets and train pastors and church leaders for ministry . we can bring together more than 300 pastors and church leaders for your conference. Kindly Read in our website

http://newhopefellowshipchurch.weebly.com/ and you will discover what we do for Christ in Africa.

Please if you have some bibles and literature that can bless one grow spiritually, bless us with them

God bless you

Pastor Lucas and Jane obanda

New Hope Fellowship Church

You guys are awesome! Blessings Always in the Glory!!

Pastor Theresa Phillips

Hi Art;

Thanks very much for this letter. You’ve been on my mind lately. I interviewed you for CTS Television (Top Story) about 1 1/2 years ago. You’re doing good work, Art; in fact, you’re one of my heroes.

God bless you.

Sheila Rowe

Artur –

Not sure if you remember me, but Street Church helped me get home to my family. I needed to get back to Massachusetts USA, and the prayers and actions of many of the members of Street Church were instrumental in getting me home. I have fond memories of so many of you – you, David, Monty, Maurice, Steve, Irwin, Richard and so many others.

Now that I have returned home, I am in the process of assembling a faith based Web presence, and would love to help spread the message of Street Church to the world. Lighthouse Radio Network is a project of my company swainmedia, and seeks to bring a positive message to all who would listen. I feel that the world needs to see what can happen when the world rises up against the servants of the Lord. I have seen firsthand what yourself and others face to bring a hot meal and a vision of hope to those in need, and personally feel that this needs to be brought out on a massive scale.

Yours in service,

James Swain

You (and those helping) are doing an awesome job..I wish I could be with you helping…Maybe one day Ill be in the area and drop in…Keep it up!

Shalom Pastor Pawlowski, Praise His Name! For the work that you did there. It was a blessing to see what happened. And to hear what our Messiah can do.
When we have faith to believe, no matter what seems to be going on, our how hard the devil tries to stop it, we see the miracles happen. Have a blessed week.
And we still are praying for the ministry there. Your work is awesome!!!!keep it up!!!!!God Bless you n keep u!

Thank you so much for the update. Its wonderful the work u do. Keeping u in prayer.

Your sister in Christ

Susanne Ostrander

It is wonderful to hear what you are up to Artur. Keep up the great work for Jesus and his kingdom. You are storing up treasures in heaven Brother.

Be encouraged.


Hi – glad to read about your faith and victories.

Alex Matheson

Shalom Pastor Pawloski, Thank you for a moving report. PRAISE HIS NAME! It was a joy in hearing how the Savior is moving in your behalf. And how you got the preach in the courtroom of all places. The devil, he may have thought he was getting you, but "greater is He that is in me, than he that is the world."
As I read what you have gone through and the blessing of what others had to tell, I was crying. (Not ashamed to say so.) and yes, rejoice in the Spirit (in tongues).

What a blessing.

I understand what is going on in Canada, with things going the way of the Homosexuals, and the way of the world. It is turning that way here in America, and with the person in office now. Mr. Obama, it will end up that way. We here and the Assembly and Organization do remember your ministry there in prayer. I am reminded that "if we have faith as a grain of mustard seed we shall see the mountains move."

Now, that you have BIG FAITH you will see things happen, and miracles happen, and I expect to see soon a report that you won all your cases. We service and awesome Messiah. Praise Him! ll I can say at this point, is LIFT YOUR HANDS AND GIVE HIM THE PRAISE.
In His Service,

Apostle Dr. C.N. Turrell,Th.D.,D.D.,Ph.D
General Overseer/Founder/Pastor
Apostolic Truth Ministries Worldwide

Exciting times, Art. May God be the Glory! Bless You,

Marg Bridges of Love Ministry


We will continue praying for you. Truly an eternal reward awaits you.


Thank you so much Art!! I was so proud that I was part of lifting up the Name of Jesus!!


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