October 21, 2024

God is in control!

Romans 8:31 “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”

God is reminding yet again that He is in control, and He orchestrates His plans, His way. We as a ministry continue to surrender control to Him, and it is so freeing, when we place our confidence and trust in the sovereign God of the universe.

God saves who He wills; He brings people in and out of the ministry. He surely is in complete control of every and all situations, even when we mess up, and don’t have clarity.


1. Kenny was released from Drumheller prison 2 weeks ago, he called me when he got out, but I was on vacation, and I lost his phone number. But he showed up last night, with his uncle, who happens to be a volunteer at Street Church.

We had an awesome time of prayer and worship, with many volunteers, and we asked Kenny to share his testimony, a young man in the park heard Kenny’s testimony, and this young man used to hang out with Kenny,(before Kenny went to prison). This young man thought if God can change Kenny he can change me too, so he surrendered his life to Jesus last night. Praise God.

2. Mikhail is a faithful volunteer at Monday night evangelism, last night she went to Pilgrims book store before she came out to Ministry, and God placed on her heart to buy a German Bible, while witnessing with the team at the Mustard Seed, she ran into a lady who had just arrived from Europe, who wanted a German Bible. Praise God.

3. Many people are responding to the gospel at the steps of city hall, last Wednesday 7 people made decisions for Christ, and the week before a man put his faith in Christ, who had just moved to Calgary from Eastern Canada, he came down to Street Church to get Baptized the following Sunday.

4. A few Mondays ago, while we were praying before ministry in the circle, many people from the streets started to join us, I gave a call for people to come forward for prayer, there were around ten people who came forward, and they went on their knees as we laid hands on them and prayed. As we prayed God touched them in a mighty way, they started to weep and cry out before God. It was an awesome and meaningful time, when God showed His power and love in a very real way.

5. The team which went to Drumheller Prison, last Sunday saw 4 men make decisions for Christ. The great thing about the prison is that there is follow up by the chaplain, he told me that they

are starting a new program, called, “walking through the Bible”. We pray for more Kenny’s, that when they get out of prison, they get hooked up with a church and continue to grow in Christ.


The Testimonies are endless really, there is always so much that goes on when the church gets out of the four walls of the building, and brings the gospel to the lost. There is power in the Gospel.

Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

We have witnessed this in big ways this past 2 months, where God has turned all things around for good. We are so blessed to be involved in sharing the good news with the lost, and seeing God raise up evangelists, and Christians who are intentional daily, about sharing Jesus with the lost. God truly is building His army. The time is short, today is the day of salvation. Lets do the one thing we cant do in heaven today, share Jesus with a lost person.

Live life in light of eternity,


Make sure you check out, Evangelism In Action, weekly at 12 noon on the Miracle Channel. You will see first hand what God

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