February 9, 2025

For Your Encouragement!

At times, in a ministry like ours, it is easy to get discouraged and begin to think that the whole world is against us.  But we must remember that there are many who silently approve of what we are doing and pray for the ministry regularly.  From time to time, we receive letters and e-mails that bless us and remind us that there are those who are pleased with what we are doing.  I took some time and put together a sampling of some of those messages for your encouragement.


Hi Art,


I just wanted to say once again, keep on being steadfast for Jesus Christ. You and the street church team are chosen for such a time as this! God is greater in you than anything in this world. I was praying for you guys and this is the scripture that God has brought to my attention; Psalm 56 (emphasis on Trust in Him… He is so faithful as we walk in His will! We have NOTHING to fear. As we come before God with the petition to have right hearts and right spirit renewed in us continually we can have CONFIDENCE in HIM that we dwell in the shelter of the most high GOD. SURELY HE WILL KEEP YOU FROM THE FOWLER’S SNARE!!! (psalm 91:3)
Be blessed in Christ!




I deeply admire how you courageously reach people to save souls.




Wow, I watched The show today. I seen the police tryng to stop You from preaching, I am reminded of the prophets of old. You are bold and stand your ground. Im so proud to be a part of an army that stands up for christ. You guys are such a blessing keep fighting the fight and may god bless Your awsome ministry.




All the best to you, from Toronto, Ontario




So glad to here about all that you are doing for the community and for those abroad. Be encouraged and be of good cheer. My prayer is that lost souls will see His Kingdom in your work.




Dearly beloved,


Thanks for your emails. I’m really amazed by your ministry and the way it has been done.


I praise the Lord for you.






I watched the video of the arrest – I am amazed that City of Calgary resources such as police and EMS were misused in such a way. Why is the City of Calgary so down on this ministry? What a waste of government money — to arrest people who are trying to make a difference in the lives of street people and criminals, to make them into productive members of society, when they should have been dealing with the criminal element who were standing around watching, and apparently there was a shooting just not far away??


This Streetchurch ministry will be in my prayers from now on.




Hello brother Artur.


We are very happy to see you fight the good fight of faith and stay true to God’s call. So many today are wishy-washy Christians, who fold under pressure. Let us know if you will be in Ontario again. If we can we will meet with you. As for helping you get any speaking engagements in this area, unfortunately we have no influence at all with anyone around here. They have all rejected us and our uncompromising message of true repentance and following of Christ with 100%. It seems people come to Jesus to get stuff, not to give up their lives in surrender and obedience. When Paul wrote that the cross is a stumbling block, I believe he meant a stumbling block to individuals – they don’t want to pick up their cross, and they will find reasons not to. At least we know we have done the Father’s will, and we look forward to His next assignment. God bless you and give you all sufficiency for all things at all times.


In Christ’s Love,

David and Anna 
Kitchener, Ontario


Blessings and the Love of God be with you forever and ever!!I am so Glad dear to hear what the Lord is doing over there,its a great testmony and Love what our dear Lord Jesus Christ is doing.Brothers our Lord Jesus promise us that He will never leave us nor forsake us for He will be with us till the very end of the age!!!!!So we are sure no matter what happens in this life we are living he is with us and when the enemy comes like a flood the Spirit of the Lord rises the standard. I will be praying for all the issues you have put across and I believe our beloved God will will give us victory over all.Also remember to Pray for me as I preach the Gospel of Christ here in Nairobi Kenya Africa because there are so many challegies also here. I hope to hear more from you and I will keep you updated of what is happening here.God is faithful for many recieved Christ and I believe they will find new hope in Him.


Because of Christ,

Pastor Macdonald


Thanks for the update Art. The Lord is Good and He is on your side. The Lord of Peace is going to Crush the Enemy under your feet. Amazing God – When the enemy comes in one way – he must flea from before you SEVEN WAYS – HALLELUJAH!!


Continuing to lift you and your family in prayer,




Keep up the great work dear sisters and brothers in Christ.When I get to Canada I will visit you,with God all things are possible.My prayers concern your efforts too.Love,and in Christ always,Maria,Corinthian Ministries I am an American preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ,and helping the poor and hurting here in Corinth.




God has really been speaking to me and has put a passion for ministering to people in my heart.  I would love to start something like this where I live.  I live in Flint Michigan.  Please, if you have any information for me on how to get involved or how to get things going here, I would really appreciate it.  Thank you for your time.  


Your Sister in Christ,

Christine Elwood


Hi Art.


I was surprised to get an email to say you had again been arrested. especially after i just spoke those words. i want you to knw that i have contacted the prime minister as well as every single mp in the calgary area and stood up for you calling for federal action and reprimend of these officials. i will do my best to come sooner but otherwise see ya in october with bells on . i stand with ya man of God and i am sure many others do as well. your loved!The Love of God consumes us rather then the wrath!


William And Wendy

Hello dear brother Artur! We praise the Lord so much for you, and for your uncompromising following of His will. Here in Ontario (and we’ve been around a bit of it) we don’t see many hearts willing to sell out to Christ, to become poor or persecuted in order to follow His will. We are SO thankful for the Arturs of this day, and we pray for your battle to be won in the power of His might, for we know that souls are at stake.


In Christ’s Love,

David and Anna Kitchener,

Ontario Grace to you Brother.


Thanks for the encouragement. I will try to make it out to calgary sometime this year i am thinking i may be avilable around oct Lord willing.

In the meantime i am standing with you. I find this such a ludicrous thing to be happening in canada it is completely against both the charter and constitution however. the world will hate us because of Jesus.

Let’s keep communication with one another. Art but know one thing. your directly in the will of God and He is going to break open many doors as a result of your obedience be sure to keep Him at the center and you will see great doors open these coming months. watch and see for the Lord will perform it.


The Love of God consumes us rather then the wrath!


William And Wendy



Thank you for the update.  Jesus is Lord! Christ is building his church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

God bless you for your faithfulness in ministry to the poor/homeless and for standing up against sin wherever it is and for preaching the love, justice and truth of Jesus.




I’m so glad you send these emails. They’re so inspiring! Please let me know if you need an extra volunteer.


God Bless you and your efforts!






I just wanted to drop you a line to say keep up the great work. I really think you are doing a good job.


So many are so concerned about Africa. What you are doing in my own backyard really speaks to me.




Hi Art,


I just watched today’s program and am very blessed by what the Lord did. I hope all is well with you.  I hope to see you sometime this summer.


God bless you brother,




I just wanted to incourage you brother and let you know that not all people in uniform are against you. I used to work for the city as a Transit officer, but know I work as Sheriff in the court house. My prayers are with you, and if the enemy is attacking you this hard it’s because your work for the Lord is making an impact. Remember we have the true judge judging us. God bless you and your ministry.




Dear Pastor,


After going through your website, I was so overwhelmed to know the wonderful work you are doing for the homeless. I pray that may the Lord protect you from any harm, prosper you and bless your ministry abundantly. Yes, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. We as a family will uphold you and your ministers in prayer and will support your ministry with a part of our tithing. May God provide the world with many more preachers like you.


God bless.


Sabu Alexander


I am so impressed by your boldness.


God bless you,




It is with saddened heart I write to you in regards to your ministry and the police in Calgary, AB.  I watched the program today on CTS and was moved to see your fighting spirit yet you maintained a coolness about your demeanor.  I have met you before and some of the people you helped get off drugs.  For instance their is one particular young woman who is very beautiful and has a child and she was addicted to coccaine and thought she was never going to kick it.  Having a child helped her, but it was your message that helped her move on with her life and being a single mother.  I have lost contact with this beautifull woman and wish her peace and happiness.  One day I would like to give her a warm felt hug and tell her that she is an inspiration to many addicted single mothers in the community.  How can I help your ministry?  Let me know!


Dave Laubman


I saw you on t.v. today and was very impressed with your fight and message–do you take donations? And were would one send them?


Your’s sincerely,


Angela R. Turner


Hello Artur, it was a great pleasure meeting you today at the Craig chandler session. I watched your DVD and am very touched by what you are doing out there.


You are delivering the gospel as Jesus commanded us to do. I will be there Sunday to see the service…


God Bless you,




Hey it looks like God is doing some wonderful things up there with the Street church.  I got so happy looking at the pictures knowing that I was once a part of that ministry.


I love you all and miss you gies so much.  I get the up dates and God IS Good!! Lots of things have happened in my life since I’ve see you last.  This year God has called me to do ministry in my home, in my city, at my church and going thorugh. I just wanted to say Hi and let you know that you all are near and deer to my heart as time goes bye.  One day i would love to come back up there and visit and join you all for a time.  My brother and Mom are intrested in checking you all out too. Please tell every on I said hello.


Have a blessed day!!!!! Lots of Joy and smiles form me




Street church is whats it about…these apostate churches need to come from behind there four walls and preach the gospel to a dying world….the bible never commands us to take the unsaved? into the church building but to go out and preach the gospel and brother art and the streetchurch in Colorado as fulfilled that commission, God bless your brother Art as you and the other bretherns continue to be obedient unto the Lord even unto persecution…."they love not there life unto death." grace and peace




God bless Art Pawlowski and Street Church. We are very encouraged by your work as you preach the gospel and serve the poor? against growing resistance. The Lord is reaching Canada through your persecution.


Robert and Brenda


Brother Art, Its great to hear the testimonies of how the Lord is blessing the ministry in Canada. How the Kingdom is increasing. How in the power of Jesus Christ we can say along with Stephen, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. I am reminded it is easy to love those who love us back, but the real test comes in loving those who do not love us back. Im reminded that we do not war against flesh and blood…. I will be visiting in June for about a month and would consider it an honor to help in anyway that I can. The Lord has called me to be an evangelist so please let me know how I may serve you and the Kingdom of God. Being a cop in the USA maybe I can find a way to make some friends with the local law enforcement authorities who can then interceed on your behalf… God became flesh in Jesus Christ our Lord and dwells in our hearts to His glory!!


Your brother in Christ,




I did get your letter and i will be praying for you all ,for this church to continue to ba a HUGE impact on the streets God Bless you richly for what you are doing


Neil Ogley


I am a Street Preacher from Sydney, Australia and I came across your ministry on Youtube. I was shocked to see the persecution you are enduring under those who are supposed to be upholding the ‘law’. I thank the Lord that here in Australia we still have religious freedom to preach the gospel in the streets. I will be praying for you,


In Christ, Bogdan


I know the Lord will reward you for all your labour and hard work to honor Him, The Lord sees the heart and we all love you because we know that you are willing to die for Him.




Dear friends, We just wanted to assure you, that we remember you and pray for the ministry you are doing.


Henryk Dedo Voice of the Gospel team and Christian Evangelical Church (fellowship from Warsaw), Poland

I decided to turn the tv on and you were talking on close up and I got very glued to what god has and is doing in your life , it is the first time I here about you and it wont be the last. I want you to know that god called me to blow the shofar for diferrent things and it never fails maybe you could purchase yourself one and blow it against the spititual darkness that attacks you. I will be blowing the shaufar for god to give you favor .if someone has a shaufar tell theme to blow it in your park and in front of the mayors office, pray and ask god to gide you in the meantime I will be asking christians to pray. shalom god bless you and stay a gideon warrior amen.




Thank-you for the encouragement througthout the years.


LOVE Bradley Mazerolle


Dear servants of God, greetings in the name of our lord jesus, am Henry zaake asenoir pastor and founder of world possessors church ministries uganda east africa.and am serving God as amissionary to nations like kenya, tanzania, rwanda, burundi, eastern uganda. when i came across you adress i was touched of how God is using you around the world. iwould like to make arelationship with you in ministry please and if possible come to uganda and share the love of christ to us dear. Dear stay in touch with us. 


Henry Zaake


I am encouraged, convicted, motivated, ashamed, joyful, deeply moved, amazed, enlightened, etc. all at the same time! We love you Art. You’re truly one of a kind. God has truly chosen you to do this work. You must’ve been absolutely crazy before you came to know Jesus. LOL


Just think, God brought you all the way from Poland to do this work here! Something that, for some reason, none of us here could have done. Oh sure, we went out and got the ball rolling, but you took it to the next level. You see, we’re brought up with so much respect around here. Respect for the law and things like that. We just don’t even think of challenging it. We just do what they say. We trust it’s there for our good. And for the most part, it is!And that’s why your part would be so challenging for us.


I’m learning so much through watching what’s happening with Street Church. Please keep all the updates coming!


Thanks, Todd

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