October 21, 2024

Always on Mission for Jesus

Matthew 10:6 “And as you go, preach, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Even while Jesus was with His disciples for 3 years, He sent them out two by two to go out to lost people where they were at, and preach the good news. >From village to village, city to city, etc.

Exciting news, God has placed a call on Steven Cottums heart to start an outdoor church service every Sunday morning around 11:00am at 17Av, and 8 Street SW. He went to the park last Sunday morning by himself, and God opened up some amazing doors to talk to people about Jesus. It is interesting that this same park is where Monday night evangelism started, and Steven had no idea about this. Steven is asking for prayer and also is inviting you to Donna and Elgin’s house this Thursday night at 7pm for a prayer meeting to seek God on How He wants to start this ministry. (For information on how to get to Donna and Elgin’s call 508-9353) Matthew 10:6 “And as you go, preach, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Even while Jesus was with His disciples for 3 years, He sent them out two by two to go out to lost people where they were at, and preach the good news. >From village to village, city to city, etc.

Exciting news, God has placed a call on Steven Cottums heart to start an outdoor church service every Sunday morning around 11:00am at 17Av, and 8 Street SW. He went to the park last Sunday morning by himself, and God opened up some amazing doors to talk to people about Jesus. It is interesting that this same park is where Monday night evangelism started, and Steven had no idea about this. Steven is asking for prayer and also is inviting you to Donna and Elgin’s house this Thursday night at 7pm for a prayer meeting to seek God on How He wants to start this ministry. (For information on how to get to Donna and Elgin’s call 508-9353)


This last week has been amazing; witnessing God touch so many lives. Last night we witnessed 7 people respond to Jesus, seeing 4 souls coming forward at the alter call outside of The Salvation Army, and 3 people at the Mustard Seed one on one.

Sunday at Street Church we witnessed many people come forward for prayer with 2 wanting salvation, Vern who repented and put his trust in Christ, was also baptized in the river on Sunday.

A group of us from Street Church and CSC had the privilege of going to Tacoma, Washington, for a Billy Graham evangelism conference, and on the way it was awesome to see the witnessing opportunities God provided. We were able to hand out hundreds of gospel tracts, pray over people, preach to a group of young kids outside of the Tacoma airport, share the gospel with the taxi cab drivers, people on the airplane, and in the airport, at restaurants, in the hotel, on our way to restaurants, outside of bars, and we saw 2 young men respond to Christ (Sam and Noel), on the Tacoma College Campus. God showed us that we are always on mission for Him, no matter where we are. I pray we will always see ourselves as Ambassadors of Jesus Christ, wherever we go or are. I find it so exciting to hang out with other Christians who are so intentional about sharing Christ with the lost, who really spur me on to love and good works, and challenge me to step out of my comfort zone for Jesus.
Life life in light of eternity,

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