March 6, 2025
Press Coverage

Agree or Disagree:The City of Calgary is…corrupt?

Posted by Kevin Olenick on October 20, 2013

This is another interview between good buddies Ezra Levant from Sun News and Street Church Pastor Artur Pawlowski.

This interview was conducted about a week ago. According to Pawlowski, he has some “shocking” documents from Alderman Druh Farrell and as Street Church has specifically reminded people on their Facebook page, Muslim Mayor Naheed Nenshi. These documents show that Farrell,Nenshi, and the City of Calgary have deliberately been preventing Street Church from feeding the poor in Calgary.

I’m going to add this link

It’s a link to the specific proof they have that this is happening.

However, as always, when Ezra Levant and Sun News are telling stories, you have to look further into the story. For this, I need to point to a specific quote that Pawlowski said in this interview.

Pawlowski points out in the interview that this shows that any complaints against Street Church are not “grassroots”. They are made up by the city. That is not true. There have been several complaints to Street Church. This is an article, and a column the Calgary Beacon wrote back in January 2012.

I’m going to point you to a couple of interesting things.

The first thing to point out is something that you will read in the second column. One resident, Derek Sweet told Editor Markham Hislop that Pawlowski would show up one or two days a week with his van and food for the less fortunate, then bellow so loud on his bullhorn for an hour or two that Sweet was unsettled in his condo several blocks away.A former unnamed alderman also told Hislop that Pawlowski would shout out “homophobic” remarks. So, that would prove that there are complaints made against Street Church.

The second point about Nenshi and Farrell being as they were called in this interview “Anti-Christian”. I don’t know about Farrell, however I know Mayor Nenshi has been spotted at several church events the last few years. He has even spoken at some of them. Nenshi has shown support to church communities. During the flood, he encouraged people to find solice in prayer or whatever religion people practice. So, the anti-Christian remark is also inaccurate.

I would also point you to some comments from representatives from both Street Light and the Mustard Seed. They are considered Christian organizations and they have fed the homeless for many years in Calgary. Both organizations stated that historically the City has been supportive of them. So, if the City has been as Levant and Pawlowski continuously state “Anti-Christian”, should not more Christian organizations be feeling the same thing? They aren’t.

Pawlowski used an analogy of a restaurant in the interview. I’d like to use a car for a response. If I’m driving over the speed limit and I’m caught, I get a speeding ticket. If this continues to happen, I will continue to get speeding tickets. Over the amount of 8 years, I can complainin my several outlets how the police are out to get me. I could even come up with “shocking” proof that they are corrupt. But, did I stop speeding?

Street Church can call bias all they want. The fact remains their actions and behaviour on Calgary streets are concerning to many people. Specifically, many Christians who do not see this as behaviour that actions Jesus would do.

Also, remember a while back Nenshi and Levant got into a Twitter war over a comment Nenshi said that Levant felt was terrible and inappropriate? And that Levant never called Nenshi a bigot? Remember this.

Levant ended this interview leaning closer to the camera and stating in a strong voice,

“Nenshi and Farrell are vicious Anti-Christian bigots. And we got the proof.”



Artur Pawlowski says:October 20, 2013 at 11:26 am

“Pawlowski used an analogy of a restaurant in the interview. I’d like to use a car for a response. If I’m driving over the speed limit and I’m caught, I get a speeding ticket. If this continues to happen, I will continue to get speeding tickets. Over the amount of 8 years, I can complainin my several outlets how the police are out to get me. I could even come up with “shocking” proof that they are corrupt. But, did I stop speeding?”

Then why have I never been found guilty of being too loud even though they conducted their sound measurements? The total opposite had happened. Every single time I have been vindicated by the courts (over 80 times). I have in my possession the officers report stating that not a single time the Street Church exceeded acceptable noise limit. You have your opinions, I have the proof. I challenge you to come and see it with your own eyes if you dare. For now bless you. I am glad that we still can be entitled to have our own opinions without fear of the wrath of the government.

I could say a lot more but got to go to feed the poor in front of City Hall. In life there are two kinds of people; the talkers and the doers. Doers, where can you find them that is the question. I invite you to come and see for your self what we do. We feed everyone, drunkards, murderers, homeless, homosexuals, but this does not fit your theory, right? Call me at 403-607-4434

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