February 10, 2025

Wow, I guess not everyone in this city hates me :-) .

Wow, I guess not everyone in this city hates me šŸ™‚ . Thank you Sheldon, for your kind words. I give all the glory back to Jesus. Without Him, I would not even care to do what we at Street Church do. Jesus changed my stony heart and replaced it with the heart of flesh. When I had the money I used to despise the poor. Now I love them. Only God could make such a change. Thank you Jesus!

Here is what I received today. It made my day šŸ™‚ . Thank you!

ā€œI wish to nominate Artur Pawlowski of Street Church Calgary for his outstanding, selfless and dedicated work in ceaselessly reaching out to many of the lost, homeless and underprivileged citizens of Calgary. The attendees of Street Church have been receiving four free hot meals per week for over 10 years. These attendees are often people who would otherwise go hungry or turn to crime to feed themselves.

In addition to merely feeding these people Artur and Street Church ensure that the saving Word and Truth of Jesus Christ is offered to them so that their hope and lives can be restored. I have met and know many people whom this ministry has greatly helped and I attest that this is true. Perhaps it is time, that in addition to rewarding those who make Calgary a successful and enterprising city, we look at rewarding someone whose untiring work is rarely if ever recognized. For this reason, Artur Pawlowski is my choice for the Calgary Awards Community Advocate.ā€ –Sheldon Wrubleski

Artur Pawlowski

And another one. Thank you Neil for those few kind words. Bless you.

“Just wanted to take the time to thank you for all your efforts to glorify God, for He who knows our hearts, has molded us for His glorify, and has loved us so much that He died for us, so that we can be redeemed through our Messiah, our LORD God Jesus Christ, the Son of the living true God. I am thankful for your boldness to proclaim His message, to praise Christ, it reminds me of a book from the voice of martyrs.

I can only thank and praise God for everything that He leads you to do, and leads our other brothers and sisters in Christ to do.” -Neil Fernandes 23 March 14:58


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