February 10, 2025

Taking it to the Streets of Calgary, Alberta, Canada for Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

Click here to enter to win a free March for Jesus T-Shirt and Cap

Please take a moment, click here and fill out our volunteer form. Even if you have indicated that you are going to volunteer, please fill in the form. We are using this form for centralized tracking of volunteers for organizational purposes.

Also, if you are able, please consider supporting the march financially, please click here to donate. This event is costing over $100,000 and we have no financial support from churches. We trust that God will move in the hearts of His people to fill the faith commitment we have made.

Brothers and sisters, March for Jesus is getting closer and closer and the excitement is getting greater and greater! Also, we are very excited to have both our March for Jesus truck sign and our March for Jesus large event sign made.


We also have large glossy posters available, so please call us at 403-607-4434 and let us know that you would like one or more for your church or business venue. Please feel free to take advantage of the free smaller 8×11" posters, with invitations printed on the back, we had printed, free for you to hand out as well. Just let us know and we can provide those to you.

We have countless people contacting us, with more pastors and leaders coming on side. For example, Nick Vujicic was so excited about the march he gave us a video response which you can see here – http://www.marchforjesus.ca.

We had a booth at the Centre Street Nick Vujicic event, which was well received.



It’s so awesome to see more and more leaders fired up for the the public proclamation of the name of Jesus Christ. For our part, we have done all we know how to bring back the March for Jesus to our city. The event is advertised on a number of radio stations and newspapers. We had a team of volunteers going from church to church with March for Jesus posters and invitations, personally asking the church to come and participate. We have T-shirts, caps, and 10,000 balloons on order for the march. We have food, an ice cream truck, Cotton Candy machine, Popcorn Machine, and Large bouncy castle for the kids, and all sorts of other goodies ready to go. We have wrapped toys ready to give away to kids and we can’t wait to see their smiley faces, knowing that God is Jehovah-Jireh our provider. We truly want this day to be an honorary day for our Heavenly Father and for our Lord Jesus Christ.

We created a dedicated website, created a facebook page, twitter page, posters, banners, and other materials. We did what man could do, now we are going to wait for God to move in the hearts of men and women. This is a day for our God. This day, His name is going to be lifted up. June 20th is a proclamation that our God died and rose again and is able to save all who freely come to Him. Come and be part of this great celebration.

YC Edmonton

God provided us an opportunity to go to Edmonton, to interact with young people (over 16,000 came to the event). We had a March for Jesus booth. I can’t tell you how many kids we spoke to at the booth, but Art Pawlowski lost his voice twice once each day, Saturday and Sunday. Loius Preston, was on fire. Like a first century apostle, he prayed for at least a hundred young people. Can you Picture it, Louis laying his hands on as many people as he could get a hold of?

Art had an amazing moment, where a group of youth walked up and Art started sharing about the march, when one of them indicated that his friend beside him was the son of a mayor. When Art asked him who his father was, he indicated that he was the mayor of Calgary, Mayor Bronconnier. After hearing this, Art offered to pray for the mayors son, which the boy received. Art then proceeded to bless him and his family in the name of Jesus Christ. Art then asked the boy to let his parents know that they are invited to come to the march. Wow, what a divine appointment God set up, to meet the son of Calgary’s mayor at a youth conference in Edmonton. Praise the Lord!

Then of course there was me, talking to youth and parents, inviting them, and pushing them to promote the march; in person, on facebook and through e-mail. I ministered to some of the youth that came and prayed for them as well. It was a great time, and we really had fun with people.

To our surprise, there were so many people from all over Canada telling us that it’s about time that the March for Jesus was back. They wanted to know why it stopped running and they wanted us to know that they missed the march over the years. They were begging us to bring the march to their cities as well. We told them that if the march goes well in Calgary, we can team up with leaders in their cities to bring the march back.

Here are some pictures from the youth rally:


Upcoming Event

On Wednesday, June 9th at Centre Street Church’s west campus at 6:30pm we will be presenting the March for Jesus event to a crowd of attendees. Artur Pawlowski will also share about his life’s testimony that he has titled from Pew Warmer to Jesus Marcher. If you have ever wanted to hear an inspiring story from a local believer in Christ of how he started small and was able to break through strong holds, able to conquer once thought unconquerable ground, you need to come and hear Art’s story. This is a man on fire for the Lord, who has people inspired to take their faith walk to a new level and hasn’t just talked about it, but has actually taken them out and shown them how to do it. How to reach the lost, how to bring the message of the gospel into the public square and how to stand apologetically for Christ in the face of sneering ridicule and open persecution. A story that started with a few slices of pieces for the hungry to now today, weekly truckloads of food for Calgary’s most needy, from face to face preaching to a TV ministry that is broadcasted around the world weekly. As Art relayed to me, the Lord told Him, “never despise small beginning because they are huge”. There is no doubt that for the person in ministry, that wants to take their ministry to a new level, or for the follower of Christ that want to do mighty exploits for the Lord, Art’s story will inspire and embolden you.

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