February 6, 2025

New ministerial starting in Calgary!

Pastors and leaders in the Christian community!

We would like to invite you to the ministerial meetings that are starting on the 21 of April at 11 am. at Thorncliff Community Centre. Join us for a word of encouragement, prayer and fellowship.

We believe that now, more than ever before, a unified approach to the problems that we are facing in this country and in our city is absolutely necessary. God honours unity, come and unite with us. Let’s stand together and push the enemy back before it is too late. We must put aside what is dividing us and we must focus on what unites us. The blood, the cross, and the Name above every name. The name of Jesus Christ that saves us all.

Let’s concentrate on Him, our Lord, and on His Kingdom! Let’s see what the King of kings will do when we humble ourselves and come together before Him for help.

Please come.

For more information call 403-607-4434

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