January 18, 2025

Christmas festival at the steps of City Hall-2010

We would like to invite you to join us at the steps of City Hall where we will be celebrating the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ. As usual, there will be steaks, but most of all it is yet another opportunity to share what Christmas is all about, salvation through Christ. Not just the beautiful baby in the manger, but the risen Lord. Christmas is all about Jesus, that He came, in the flesh, and also died so that we can live. Let us not forget that it is all about Him.

The festival will be held Sunday, December 26 at 2pm to celebrate the coming of Christ to dwell among men.

What We WILL Need

We will need volunteers who will:

  • Deliver flyers
  • Contact local pastors and churches
  • Donations of as many pairs of new socks as you can gather
  • Cook the food
  • Enter into worship
  • Pray for guests
  • Distribute clothes

And others (many more ways to help for the willing)



If you have questions or comments or would like to volunteer or donate, please call 403-607-4434.

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