February 10, 2025

Busy forwarding the Kingdom of God

Mobile Home

In this new year, God blessed us with a surprise. We received a mobile home. With this mobile home, once we fix it up, we will be able to take at least three or four people off the streets at a time. Through the years, God taught us how to be people of faith. When we saw the house that God gave us, we knew it would take great faith to convert it into a livable home. Truly, it was almost gutted when it came to us. Already, with the help of some brothers and sisters, we are making good progress. We still need supplies and different accessories such as wood, plumbing, a bathtub or shower, etc. If you have a little time and a big heart and are willing to help to turn this house into a refuge for many, it would be a big blessing to us and to those who will one day call it home, during their rehabilitation period.

Also, if you have been looking for a worthy project to support financially, this home is a great candidate as it will literally make a big difference for those who will be blessed to use it, and there is a tight time line in getting the renovations done. We are trusting in God that he will make a way for all that needs to be completed in order to make this half way housing project a beautiful reality.

Oh and by the way, I see that God has a sense of humour. He took me out of the construction business and has now thrown me back into fixing up a house for use with the ministry.

Here are a few pictures to show you how things are coming along:









Meetings at City Hall

We have seen, lately, an increase in moves of God. There have been more healings and salvations, and overall, you can sense that people are getting more hungry for hope and God’s freedom. Also, we have noticed an increase in numbers. More people are coming, in need of our assistance, and the result is that more people will be able to hear the gospel. We are very encouraged to continue to hear from the homeless that we have the best food in town for them. To Jesus be the glory because He is the one who gives us all that we can give.

Street Church in Poland

The team in Poland is doing amazing. There have been a number of salvations, and people, who would not normally have gone for help, have been taken to rehabilitation centres. The street ministry has the full blessing of the government and the City of Warsaw, right now, which is wonderful to see. It would be truly awesome to see the same kind of favour from the City officials regarding the work and ministry we are doing on the streets in Calgary. We once had that favour, and hope to see it once again, in Jesus’ name.

Visit the Street Church in Poland website here http://www.koscioluliczny.pl

Television in Poland

A Polish television station, is interested in airing our programs. The only thing that they require from us is a polish narrator, that will translate everything spoken during the episodes. For that, unfortunately, like everything in life, requires funds. If you are interested in sponsoring this new opening, please let us know. Just think of what wonderful way that will be to reach another country with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Meetings with Politicians

Recently, I had opportunity to meet with a member of parliament, Lee Richardson, who told me something that was very interesting. He said that we are not just fighting for ourselves, but that we are fighting for the rights of rest of the churches, and individual Christians, as well. It is very encouraging, that at least some are seeing what we have been preaching about for years. We have to remember that when it comes to our rights, if one member looses his, then the rest of the body suffers as well. We also need to remember that anything worth having is worth fighting for. God gave us these freedoms, we have to be willing to stand and defend them.

The City Wide Youth Rally 2011

We are pleased to announce that we have teamed up with Centre Street Church’s youth ministries team to make this year’s City Wide Youth Rally an even better event than last year’s. The event will be held at the Enmax Stage, at Prince’s Island Park on May 28th, 2011 at 2:00 pm. We are very excited about the unity that God is building and for the opportunity that the youth will have because of it.

For information on this rally, please contact Lawrence Irwin at 403-815-0581 or Daniel Howard at 403-689-9142.

March for Jesus 2011

A few weeks ago, I was at a semi-formal event for politicians and business people, wearing my bright red March for Jesus T-shirt. While I was there, I spoke with the Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs, Jonathan Denis. He had noticed the shirt and promised to come to this year’s march. We also have a confirmation from Mayor Bill Mills from Truro, Nova Scotia, that he will once again attend the event. We are getting very excited; videos of last year’s march are being made, posters for this year’s march are being printed. Some things are already organized, but there are many things still to do. we need help with finances for this year’s march related expences. For example, we are once again printing T-shirts and hats with the theme Jesus died for you. We have City fees for road closures, park permits, rentals, etc. Also, if you know of a cotton candy machine or bouncy castle, please be part of making this years march a huge blessing for the children and all who come. We are already making homemade burger paddies and, like last year, we are planning to serve Triple-A Alberta steaks and give away hundreds of toys to the children that come.

Visit the March for Jesus website here http://www.marchforjesus.ca


The City is not backing down from their malicious attacks through the courts. I am facing criminal charges for my latest arrest, for handing out election related brochures in Calgary’s City Hall building. I will let you know the exact date that I have to appear in the courts, with hopes that you will either pray for me or come to the courthouse to show your support.

What’s very interesting, is that all who were charged with the same offence, that I was, had their charges dropped by the City Corporate Security, in a letter from Paul Tolley. It just goes to show you the bias that they have and it just proves the point of some reporters, that covered the story over the years that this is a personal vendetta, which the legal system is never supposed to represent. Laws are for all, to be equally applied to all.

Charity Status

I have appealed to the highest officer in CRA regarding our status and was told that a reply will take eight months, so we are presently waiting for an answer.

For those who have supported us in the past and those who continue to support us to this day, you have our thanks. The battles that we are involved in and also the wonderful ministry opportunities we are involved in require support and we could not have done what we have done so far without you, your prayers and your faithful giving. May the Lord bless you for helping us to do the work that God has called us to do as a ministry.

Ministry Needs

As usual, the ministry continues, the battles continue and the call for us is even greater as more people are being made homeless by difficult financial situations all the time. So if you ever considered supporting our ministry, and haven’t done so before, know that your support is both needed and appreciated at this time. Never underestimate your contribution. Remember the woman at the temple who gave the mite, truly she gave much, and her giving, because it was heart felt was worth much, even though it was only a mite.

Your prayers as usual are needed and truly appreciated. There is so much on our plate all the time and it is our sincere desire to in all things honour God in all that we do. We truly desire to be in right spirit and to be workman worthy of the high calling in Christ Jesus, never wanting to be ashamed of anything that we say or do, but in all things to bring our sovereign Lord, glory and honour and praise. It is written that the fervent effective prayers of a righteous man availeth much and we know that your prayers for our continued strength, for provision of needed finances and for victories and favour will accomplish much.

God bless you all in Jesus name,

Artur Pawlowski
on behalf of
Street Church Ministries

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